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For some reason, City of LA isn’t using in-person for the Harvard Westlake Planning Hearing.

For some reason, City of LA isn’t using in-person for the Harvard Westlake Planning Hearing.

We want all of our supporters to be heard (AND SEEN) at the July 12th Public Hearing. You can download our Zoom Background picture and use it during the meeting if you are so inclined :). Please help us ensure the hearing chairperson will see a sea of green! When: Wednesday, 7/12 beginning at 9am Where: via Zoom or by phone Details for joining meeting by Zoom: (Use our Zoom Background! See below) Click on this URL: If prompted, enter Meeting ID: 812 4090 9210 and Passcode: 931934  Details for joining meeting by phone: Call (213) 338-8477 or (669) 990-9218 When prompted, enter Meeting ID: 81240909210 Instructions for making public comment: You will be auto-muted when when entering the meeting. To comment, click the "raise hand" icon (if you are on Zoom) or press *9 (if you are on the phone) to raise your hand virtually. Instructions on how to use this background. Click the picture above. It will take you to a new browser tab. Right click the picture and download it to your computer. Click/tap on “More” IF YOU CAN'T GET OUR ZOOM BACKGROUND TO WORK, JUST USE THE DEFAULT BLADES OF GRASS PICTURE THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS: For the full instructions from Click here.

How much "Forever Chemicals" do you want in your glass?

How much "Forever Chemicals" do you want in your glass?

EPA proposes first standards to make drinking water safer from ‘forever chemicals’

URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Contact Your Councilperson

URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Contact Your Councilperson

We Need Your Help

We Need Your Help

We need your financial and community support to continue the battle to save our access and use of the last open space at Weddington Golf and Tennis. YOU can make a difference—support the ongoing opposition against this shocking over-development by Harvard Westlake! Please take the time to donate and/or get the word out about saving the last 16 acres of unprotected LA River green space. SaveLARiverOpenSpace is a 501c3 non-profit corporation. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today by clicking here . Please contact us if you can donate your time to help in this cause by emailing us at

Weddington is SOLD, but it's not a DONE deal!

Weddington is SOLD, but it's not a DONE deal!

Details of Harvard-Westlake School’s development plan for the Weddington site have been revealed on Harvard-Westlake’s website. At Harvard-Westlake exclusive presentations of the plan to the neighborhood closest to the site, many attendees reportedly came away with an impression this plan was a “done deal.”  Not so! The Studio City Residents Association (SCRA) and Save LA River Open Space (SLAROS) exist to protect this last remaining 16 acres of unprotected open space along the Los Angeles River in the San Fernando Valley. They categorically state this is not a “done deal.” Less than two years ago, Harvard-Westlake School purchased the property in Studio City on which the Weddington Golf & Tennis operates. Formerly operated as the “Studio City Golf & Tennis Club” for 50 years until June of 2007, this business was turned over to be owned and operated by the Weddington Family, who promised that the facility would continue to operate as a golf and tennis center open to the public. In retrospect, their promise proved short-lived. In 2017, the head of school, President Rick Commons,  promised the 16-acre property would be developed in line with “neighborhood goals” for the site, so that “Everybody benefits.”  Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian promised to “advocate for Weddington to remain an environmental, aesthetic, and recreational asset to the community.” Councilmember Krekorian  further committed, “I will always insist that the community is engaged and protected from adverse impacts that may result from Harvard-Westlake’s plans to the greatest degree possible.” Harvard-Westlake has resisted, despite many requests, to hold a public meeting to reveal their site plan. Therefore, SCRA and SLAROS have organized an October 1st Special Community meeting. All Studio City residents (owners and renters!) are invited to comment on, support, or oppose the development plans of Harvard-Westlake. Councilmember Krekorian has the authority and has committed to ensuring that  Studio City is protected from the adverse impacts of Harvard-Westlake’s proposal. The Studio City community, through SCRA and SLAROS, resolve to be heard. As long as adverse impacts remain, this deal is not done.

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